
We need great Vets to join our well-staffed General Practice

Work Experience and Clinical Placement Opportunities

SAI Veterinary Hospital (General Practice & 24/7 Emergency After-Hours) considers students from all walks of life with diverse experience and backgrounds for work placement who are currently enrolled in any of the two following courses:

  •  Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biology and/or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Murdoch University or other);
  • Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (Applied Vocational Training or South Metropolitan Tafe) or equivalent.

Expression of Interest: Please email to obtain the link for the Clinical Placement Online Application Form. Please note that all information and relevant instructions are provided within the online application form. Please note that the minimum has to be met prior to commencing placement:

  • A current resume consisting of two professional referees 
  • A confirmation of enrollment through your tafe, university or RTO 
  • Certificate of insurance (public liability) 
  • A current satisfactory national police clearance (if applicable)

Employment Opportunities

For expressions of interest in positions such as a veterinarian, veterinary nurse, animal care attendant or hospital support staff, please email with the following:

  • A comprehensive resume consisting of two professional referees 
  • A covering letter outlining your experience and availability 
  • A current satisfactory national police clearance